Journey to becoming better human being – 32

Where we are heading to?


Just before the meeting, we were chatting about how life has changed in last few years. With the kind of moral degradation that we witness, we wondered where we are heading to. We proposed that as a topic for our weekly meeting.


“With the kind of rapid changes taking place, people are feeling suffocated by a disorientation, not knowing what to do – says Silo in his first letter to friends.”


Silo is the nickname of thinker, writer and a spiritual guide from Argentina who founded the Humanist Movement. In less than half a century, the movement spread to over 100 countries giving foundation to the life of millions, inspiring them to place personal and social transformation as the project of their life. The fact that he wrote this letter way back in 1991 signifies his profound insights into human processes.


“The rapid changes have caused instability and dislocation in human relationship.  The traditional solidarity, meaning care and concern for others has lost all meaning.”


I could verify that all around, concern for self – my space, my comfort, my passion, my wealth, my fitness, my health, my meditation and so on abounds. At the most the concern expands to me and my family. But for sure, the circle of concern goes on truncating with growing indifference to the life of others.


“Never before the world was so closely connected, yet people feel lack of communication. Never before the cities were so populated and yet people speak of loneliness.”


I realised how true it is. I have hundreds of contacts, but when it comes to sharing deep feelings, often I have no one to share with. At times I have felt lonely. I have noticed people experiencing this in the form of tensions and often resorting to escapism. I could now relate with the growing acceptance of alcohol in my circle, projected as a status, but actually a veiled attempt to escape.


“By now practically everyone agrees that you can solve almost any problem with money. We will therefore dedicate all our efforts, thoughts, and dreams toward this end.”


I could relate with how the lenses have changed looking at everything from the point of view of only money. It is almost like god in today’s times. Nowadays, all aspirations, all desires and all relations are around money.


“But those of us who believe in human evolution are not in the least depressed by these changes.”


I was puzzled. There is so much of tragedy and how can we not feel depressed.


“A new sensibility is being born that corresponds to these changing times. It is a sensibility that grasps the world as a whole. Today deep within, people are experiencing anew the need for and the true morality of treating others as they want to be treated.”


I wondered whether this was a new type of conduct to which people are beginning to aspire—a type of behaviour quite different from that to which people aspired in other times. I realised that though I do not see such manifestations around me, perhaps it requires deeper insights in human processes to notice these dimensions. But the most dazzling explanation was yet to come.


“When a person realises that the schizophrenic individualism leads nowhere …


“When they openly communicate what they are thinking and what they are doing to everyone they know without the ridiculous fear of not being understood …


“When they approach others not as some anonymous mass but with a real interest in each person …


“When they encourage teamwork in both the interchange of ideas and the realization of common projects …


“When they clearly demonstrate the need to spread this task of rebuilding the social fabric …


“When they feel that even the most ‘unimportant’ person is of greater human quality than some heartless individual in power …


I realised the phenomenal power of each of this sentence. I felt new vibrations with their transformational impact gradually sinking in me. I wondered what will come next.


“When all this happens, it is because within this person human destiny has once again begun to speak, the destiny that has moved entire peoples along their best evolutionary path, the destiny that has been so many times distorted and so many times forgotten, but is always reencountered in the twists and turns of history.”


I was stunned.


When we do all this, it is not we, it is the human destiny speaking through us. What a beautiful perspective! And what a fabulous manner to live our life.


I felt a purpose in my life. To contribute in ushering the new civilisation, the human civilisation. I felt grateful for the life.


With this marvellous realisation I was moving ahead in my journey of becoming better human being.


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